Molecule Model Attributes
Once a model has been chosen in the left
side of the Model Panel, clicking
the attributes... button in the right side of the panel brings up
a window that lists model attributes and allows them to be changed.
Molecule-type models are of class Molecule.
The list includes the attributes of the
molecule model
and selected attributes of its component
atoms, bonds,
and residues.
- active - whether the model is
activated for motion
- auto-chaining
- whether to connect atoms that precede and follow undisplayed segments
(whether to draw pseudobonds between them)
- ball scale
- scale factor for atoms in the ball
draw mode.
The ball scale is multiplied by individual atom
VDW radii to generate ball radii in angstroms.
- color (a color well)
- color at the model level;
see coloring hierarchy
- current coordinate set - which frame is currently featured,
if the model contains a trajectory
- dashed lines enabled - whether lines drawn to show bonds in the
wire draw mode are broken
- length of odd dashes - if dashed lines are enabled,
the unscaled pixel length of every other "dash" (can be a dot)
- length of even dashes - if dashed lines are enabled,
the unscaled pixel length of the alternate set of "dashes" (can be dots)
- dash/space scale - multiplicative scale factor for
all dashes and spaces if dashed lines are enabled
- displayed - whether display is enabled at the model level
(see display hierarchy)
- line width - pixel width of lines depicting bonds
(when in the wire draw mode)
- ribbon hides backbone atoms - whether showing ribbon for
residues within the model hides backbone atoms for those residues
(see the command ribbackbone
for details)
- stick scale
- scale factor for bonds in the stick
draw mode.
The stick scale is multiplied by individual bond radii (default
0.2 angstroms) to generate stick radii in angstroms.
Changing stick scale is preferable to changing all of the bond radii
in a model, because the former will also scale singleton atoms in the
endcap draw mode appropriately. Either way,
the other endcap atoms (those participating in bonds) will be scaled
to match the thickest of the attached bonds.
- surface color (a color well)
- model-level surface color; see
coloring hierarchy
- surface opacity - model-level surface opacity,
ranging from 0 (completely transparent) to 1 (completely opaque);
a negative value indicates that the opacity included in the definition
of the model-level surface color should be used instead
- vdw density - relative density of dots used in any VDW surfaces
(as with the command vdwdensity)
- vdw dot size - pixel size of dots in any VDW surfaces
Attributes of individual atoms within a molecule model can be set
independently. When different atoms within the model have different
attribute values, the value is reported to be -- multiple --.
If one of the other options is chosen,
all atoms in the model will be changed accordingly.
- atom style - atom draw mode
- -- multiple --
- dot
- ball
- endcap
- sphere
- color (a color well)
- color at the atom level;
see coloring hierarchy
- displayed - whether display is enabled at the atom level
(see display hierarchy)
- -- multiple --
- false
- true
- surface color (a color well)
- atom-level surface color; see
coloring hierarchy
- surface opacity - atom-level surface opacity, ranging from
0 (completely transparent) to 1 (completely opaque); a negative value
indicates that the opacity included in the definition of the atom-level
surface color(s) should be used instead
Attributes of individual bonds within a molecule model can be set
independently. When different bonds within the model have different
attribute values, the value is reported to be -- multiple --.
If one of the other options is chosen,
all bonds in the model will be changed accordingly.
- bond style - bond draw mode
- -- multiple --
- wire
- stick
- halfbond mode
- whether the two halves of a bond are
handled as separate entities; when halfbond mode is on,
the color of each halfbond matches that of the attached atom
(can also be controlled with the command
Attributes of individual residues within a molecule model can be set
independently. When different residues within the model have different
attribute values, the value is reported to be -- multiple --.
If one of the other options is chosen,
all residues in the model will be changed accordingly.
- ribbon color (a color well)
- residue-level ribbon color;
see coloring hierarchy
- ribbon cross section -
of secondary structure ribbon shown
(see also ribrepr)
- ribbon display
- whether a secondary structure ribbon is shown;
ribbons are only drawn for proteins and nucleic acids.
Protein secondary structure is determined from HELIX and SHEET records
in the input PDB file or by using
- ribbon scaling - secondary-structure-specific
of ribbon height and width
If the model was read from a PDB file with information preceding
the coordinates, a button marked PDB Headers... will be present
at the bottom of the attributes panel. Clicking this button displays the
information in a separate window. The lines of information are not in their
original order, but are sorted alphabetically
by record type (for example, AUTHOR records
precede HEADER records). Within a record type, however, the lines are
in their original order.
MSMS (Molecular Surface) Model Attributes
VRML, Volume, and
Surface Model Attributes