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Command: changechains

changechains  atom-spec  new-ID

changechains  atom-spec   current-ID-list  new-ID-list

changechains glycosylations  chain-spec 

The command changechains changes the chain identifiers (IDs) of residues containing the specified atoms. The corresponding tool is Change Chain IDs. See also: renumber, rename, build, combine, save

Either a single desired chain ID can be given, or a comma-separated list of current IDs followed by a comma-separated list of the desired IDs.

If lists are used, they must contain equal numbers of IDs, which will be paired in the order given. Ranges of IDs cannot be given. Within the set of specified atoms, occurrences of the Nth chain ID in the first list will be changed to the Nth ID in the second list. The same ID may appear in both lists; the first list is only evaluated before the changes are made.

Capitalization of the IDs is important and will be used exactly as entered.

The command changechains glycosylations will look for HET chains (typically glycosylations) that are covalently bonded to the specified (non-HET) biopolymer chains and change their IDs as needed to match the corresponding bonded chain. As per the usual convention, a blank specification means “all.”

For example, PDB entry 6oej has glycosylation chain D on protein chain H and glycosylation chain E on protein chain B. The other glycosylations in the structure are single-residue and already have the same chain IDs as their attached proteins (A and G). The following would change D to H and E to B in 6oej, making all glycosylations in the structure have the same chain IDs as their attached proteins:

open 6oej
preset licorice
label ~(protein | solvent) attribute chain_id height 3
view /D,E
changechain glyco

UCSF Resource for Biocomputing, Visualization, and Informatics / October 2023