The APBS tool is an interface for running
(Adaptive Poisson-Boltzmann Solver) electrostatics calculations,
using either a web service provided by the
National Biomedical
Computation Resource (NBCR) or a locally installed copy of the program.
Users should cite:
Electrostatics of nanosystems: application to microtubules and the ribosome.
Baker NA, Sept D, Joseph S, Holst MJ, McCammon JA.
Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2001 Aug 28;98(18):10037-41.
A structure should be prepared for APBS calculations by
removing explicit water molecules, reconstructing missing heavy atoms,
adding hydrogens, and assigning atomic charges and radii.
These tasks can be done with
alone (except for deleting
water) or in combination with parts of
Dock Prep.
Atomic charges can be assigned with
Add Charge
or PDB2PQR, although the latter may be
preferred because it includes force fields developed specifically for
Poisson-Boltzmann calculations.
The resulting
electrostatic potential map
will be opened as a new model in Chimera and the
Electrostatic Surface Coloring
tool will appear. See also:
Coulombic Surface Coloring,
There are several ways to start
APBS, a tool in the Surface/Binding Analysis category.
It is also implemented as the command
Focusing will be performed automatically; that is, there will be
an initial electrostatics calculation on a larger grid with relatively
coarse divisions, followed by another calculation on a smaller grid
with finer divisions, for which the boundary conditions
are determined from the first run
[keyword mg-auto,
details at the APBS site].
Default grid sizes (see dime, cglen, and fglen below)
are based on the dimensions of the input structure.
- Grid dimensions (dime): [nx][ny][nz]
- grid points per processor; dimensions in integer grid units along the
molecule X, Y, and Z axes; commonly used values are 65, 97, 129, and 161
[details at the APBS site]
- Coarse grid lengths (cglen): [xlen][ylen][zlen]
- dimensions in Å of the coarse grid along the molecule X, Y, and Z axes;
the coarse grid should completely enclose the biomolecule
[details at the APBS site]
- Use molecule center for coarse grid center (cgcent) (true/false)
- whether to center the coarse grid on the molecule
[details at the APBS site]
- Coarse grid center coordinates: [xcent][ycent][zcent]
- if not centering on the molecule, coordinates of the center of the coarse grid
in the molecule coordinate system
- Fine grid lengths (fglen): [xlen][ylen][zlen]
- dimensions in Å of the fine grid along the molecule X, Y, and Z axes;
the fine grid should enclose the region of interest in the molecule
[details at the APBS site]
- Use molecule center for fine grid center (fgcent) (true/false)
- whether to center the fine grid on the molecule
[details at the APBS site]
- Fine grid center coordinates: [xcent][ycent][zcent]
- if not centering on the molecule, coordinates of the center of the fine grid
in the molecule coordinate system
- Boundary condition for coarse grid (bcfl)
- how to initialize potential at the boundary of the coarse grid
(results from the coarse run
are then used to initialize potential at the boundary of the fine grid)
[details at the APBS site]
- zero - boundary potential set to zero; generally not recommended
- single Debye-Hückel (default)
- potential set to values prescribed by a Debye-Hückel
model for a single sphere with a point charge, dipole, and quadrupole;
the boundary should be sufficiently far from the molecule
- multiple Debye-Hückel
- potential set to values prescribed by a Debye-Hückel
model for multiple noninteracting spheres with point charges; works better
than the single approximation when the boundary is near the molecule,
but can be very slow for large molecules
- Solute dielectric constant (pdie) (default 2.0)
- dielectric constant inside the molecule
[details at the APBS site]
- Solvent dielectric constant (sdie) (default 78.54)
- dielectric constant outside the molecule
[details at the APBS site]
- Charge mapping method (chgm)
- how atomic partial charges are mapped to grid points
[details at the APBS site]
- trilinear interpolation
- linear spline, charges mapped onto nearest-neighbor grid points;
resulting potentials are very sensitive to the grid setup
- cubic B-spline discretization (default)
- charges spread out to two layers of grid points
(nearest- and next-nearest neighbors);
intermediate sensivity to the grid setup
- quintic B-spline discretization
- charges spread out to three layers of grid points;
lowest sensivity to the grid setup
- Include mobile ions (ion) (true/false)
- whether to include mobile ions in the calculation
[details at the APBS site]
- Positive ion charge (e), conc. (M), and radius:
- if including mobile ions, positive ion charge in electron units
(the value should be positive), molar concentration, and radius in Å.
The total system of mobile ions must be electroneutral; for example,
if the positive ion has twice the charge magnitude of the negative ion,
its concentration should be half as high.
- Negative ion charge (e), conc. (M), and radius:
- if including mobile ions, negative ion charge in electron units
(the value should be negative), molar concentration, and radius in Å
- Poisson-Boltzmann equation:
- linearized (lpbe) (default)
- nonlinear (npbe) - more computationally expensive to solve
than the linearized equation, but more accurate for highly charged
systems such as nucleic acids or phospholipid membranes
- size-modified (smpbe)
[details at the APBS site]
- How to map
dielectric values and ion accessibility (srfm)
[details at the APBS site]
- molecular surface
- partition space into regions of solute and solvent dielectric
by the molecular surface (solvent-excluded surface calculated
with the specified solvent radius and
density of points),
and into regions of ion inaccessibility or accessibility
by the VDW surface inflated by the ion radius
- smoothed molecular surface (default)
- as above, except smooth the dielectric and accessibility values to reduce
sensitivity to the grid setup
- cubic-spline surface
- use a cubic-spline surface to partition regions of solute dielectric and
ion inaccessibility from regions of solvent dielectric and ion accessibility;
the spline window width is set to 0.3 Å
[swin details at the APBS site]
- 7th-order polynomial
- use a seventh-order polynomial to partition regions of
solute dielectric and ion inaccessibility from regions of
solvent dielectric and ion accessibility
- Surface density (sdens)
(default 10.0 points/Å2)
- density of points used to calculate a molecular surface for
mapping values
[details at the APBS site]
- Solvent radius (srad) (default 1.4 Å)
- solvent (probe) radius used to calculate a molecular surface for
mapping values
[details at the APBS site]
- System temperature (temp) (default 298.15 K)
- temperature to use in the Poisson-Boltzmann equation
[details at the APBS site]
Executable location:
- Opal web service (default)
- Server - URL of web service implemented using
clicking Reset restores the URL for the service provided by the
- Local
- Path - pathname of locally installed executable
OK initiates the calculation and dismisses the dialog, whereas
Apply initiates the calculation without dismissing the dialog.
The job will be run in the background;
clicking the information icon
in the Chimera status
line will bring up the Task Panel,
in which the job can be canceled if desired.
Close dismisses the dialog, and
Help opens this manual page in a browser window.
electrostatic potential map
will be opened as a new model in Chimera, and the
Electrostatic Surface Coloring
tool will appear.
UCSF Computer Graphics Laboratory / March 2013