2dlabels is the command-line implementation of 2D Labels, which allows arbitrary text labels to be created and placed in two dimensions (2D). The labels appear in front of any graphics displays and will not move when models are moved. Such labels are mainly useful for saved images and movies. 2D label information is saved in sessions.
One of the following action keywords must be specified:
All specifications are optional, and the order of specification is not important. Option keywords can be truncated, and their case is not important. Default values are indicated with bold. A vertical bar "|" designates mutually exclusive values.
text label-contents
The label-contents can include letters, numbers, and various symbols present on the keyboard; the default is nothing (no characters). Spaces and quote marks can be included by enclosing the entire label-contents in single or double quote marks. Carriage returns are indicated with \n.
color label-color
The label-color can be any color name that specifies a single color (default white). Any transparency in the color will be ignored.
size font-size
The font-size must be an integer greater than zero (default 24).
style font-style
The font-style can be normal (default), bold, italic, or bold italic, where the latter should be enclosed in single or double quotation marks.
typeface font-typeface
The font-typeface can be serif, fixed, or sans serif (default), where the latter should be enclosed in single or double quotation marks.
xpos x-position
ypos y-position
X-position and y-position are the x and y coordinates of the lower lefthand corner of the label (defaults are 0.5 and 0.5). The x axis is horizontal and the y axis is vertical, and both range from 0 to 1 in the visible portion of the window. It is possible to place a label partially or completely outside the visible area, however.
visibility hide|show
Whether the label should be displayed.
text new-contents
The new-contents can include letters, numbers, and various symbols present on the keyboard. Spaces and quote marks can be included by enclosing the entire label-contents in single or double quote marks. Carriage returns are indicated with \n.
color new-color
The new-color can be any color name that specifies a single color. Any transparency in the color will be ignored.
size new-size
The new-size must be an integer greater than zero.
style new-style
The new-style can be normal, bold, italic, or bold italic, where the latter should be enclosed in single or double quotation marks.
typeface new-typeface
The new-typeface can be serif, fixed, or sans serif, where the latter should be enclosed in single or double quotation marks.
xpos new-x
ypos new-y
New-x and new-y are the new x and y coordinates of the lower lefthand corner of the label. The x axis is horizontal and the y axis is vertical, and both range from 0 to 1 in the visible portion of the window. It is possible to place a label partially or completely outside the visible area, however.
visibility hide|show [frames N]See also: 2D Labels, label, labelopt, rlabel, windowsize, movie-related commands
Whether the label should be displayed. If the label was undisplayed and will now be displayed (or vice versa), the appearance (or disappearance) can be spread over a specified number N of image update frames.