# Clustal X coloring scheme hard-encoded in Chimera.
# To use a custom scheme, edit a copy of this file (file name is not 
# important) and load the new scheme into Multalign Viewer.
# If no rgbindex is specified, the 8 colors defined below will be used.

RED          0.9 0.2 0.1
BLUE         0.1 0.5 0.9
GREEN        0.1 0.8 0.1
CYAN         0.1 0.7 0.7
PINK         0.9 0.5 0.5
MAGENTA      0.8 0.3 0.8
YELLOW       0.69 0.69 0.0
ORANGE       0.9 0.6 0.3

% = 60% w:l:v:i:m:a:f:c:y:h:p
# = 80% w:l:v:i:m:a:f:c:y:h:p
- = 50% e:d
+ = 60% k:r
g = 50% g
n = 50% n
q = 50% q:e
p = 50% p
t = 50% t:s
A = 85% a
C = 85% c
D = 85% d
E = 85% e
F = 85% f
G = 85% g
H = 85% h
I = 85% i
K = 85% k
L = 85% l
M = 85% m
N = 85% n
P = 85% p
Q = 85% q
R = 85% r
S = 85% s
T = 85% t
V = 85% v
W = 85% w
Y = 85% y

t = GREEN if t:S:T:%:#
s = GREEN if t:S:T:#
n = GREEN if n:N:D
q = GREEN if q:Q:E:+:K:R
w = BLUE if %:#:A:C:F:H:I:L:M:V:W:Y:P:p
l = BLUE if %:#:A:C:F:H:I:L:M:V:W:Y:P:p
v = BLUE if %:#:A:C:F:H:I:L:M:V:W:Y:P:p
i = BLUE if %:#:A:C:F:H:I:L:M:V:W:Y:P:p
m = BLUE if %:#:A:C:F:H:I:L:M:V:W:Y:P:p
a = BLUE if %:#:A:C:F:H:I:L:M:V:W:Y:P:p:T:S:s:G
f = BLUE if %:#:A:C:F:H:I:L:M:V:W:Y:P:p
c = BLUE if %:#:A:F:H:I:L:M:V:W:Y:S:P:p
c = PINK if C
h = CYAN if %:#:A:C:F:H:I:L:M:V:W:Y:P:p
y = CYAN if %:#:A:C:F:H:I:L:M:V:W:Y:P:p
e = MAGENTA if -:D:E:q:Q
d = MAGENTA if -:D:E:n:N
k = RED if +:K:R:Q
r = RED if +:K:R:Q