Dock Prep 
Dock Prep can perform several tasks to prepare structures
as input to the
suite of programs (or for other types of calculations), including:
- removal of solvent
- deletion of alternate locations of atoms
- hydrogen addition
- partial charge assignment
- writing files in Mol2 format
Many of the tasks can be done separately in Chimera, but
Dock Prep brings them together for convenience.
Dock Prep has limitations
and remains under active development.
Thanks to P. Therese Lang for helping to develop this tool.
If there are extra molecules other than solvent that should
not be present during docking, these should be deleted before
Dock Prep is run. Dock Prep does not delete extra
chains or other molecules besides solvent, because depending on the
specific situation, they might be important for binding or
maintaining receptor structure.
Similarly, binding might require the presence of more chains
than are included in the structure file; the relevant
form should be generated before Dock Prep is run
(see also Unit Cell).
There are several ways to start
Dock Prep, a tool in the Structure Editing category
(including using it via
Minimize Structure).
Under Molecules to prep, the structure(s) of interest
should be chosen from the list of open molecule models.
Individual models or blocks of models can be chosen with the left mouse
button. Ctrl-click toggles the status of an individual model.
To choose a block of models without dragging,
click on the first (or last) and then Shift-click
on the last (or first) in the desired block.
Several operations can be performed on the chosen structures:
- Delete solvent - delete any
molecules (usually waters). This is generally done to prepare
a receptor structure for docking.
If any solvent molecules are thought to be important for ligand
binding, however, one should manually delete the other solvent
residues beforehand and deactivate this option in Dock Prep.
- Delete non-complexed ions - delete any
that are not participating in covalent or coordination bonds
(by default, the latter are shown as dashed lines).
This bonded-or-not distinction is based solely on input bond specifications
such as CONECT and LINK records in PDB files; it is not inferred from
the chemistry of the system.
- If alternate locations, keep only highest occupancy -
for atoms with alternate locations, retain only the highest-occupancy set
(if a tie, the set with a lower B-factor where the alternate locations
branch from the common structure)
- Change selenomethionine (MSE) to methionine (MET) - change the
name of MSE residues to MET, and in each of those residues, change the
selenium atom to a sulfur atom of
type S3 named SD.
The CG-SD and SD-CE bond lengths are adjusted to 1.81 and 1.78 Å,
respectively. This residue conversion is useful because
charges and other parameters are available for MET but not MSE.
Furthermore, the natural protein probably contains methionine
rather than selenomethionine (proteins are generated with selenomethionine
because Se atoms are useful in X-ray structure determination).
- Mutate residues with incomplete side chains
to ALA (if CB present) or GLY
- change each residue with a truncated side chain to alanine if
the residue has a CB atom, glycine if it does not. Otherwise,
the partial charges in such residues will not sum to integer values
because of the missing atoms, and extra hydrogens (unrecognized in the
charge addition step) will be added where the missing atoms would have
been attached.
An alternative approach is to repair truncated sidechains with
- Add hydrogens - call
AddH for hydrogen addition.
Protonation states are intended to be reasonable at physiological pH.
For example, phosphodiester moieties and carboxylates
including aspartate and glutamate sidechains are assumed to be
negatively charged; arginine and lysine sidechains
are assumed to be positively charged.
Moieties treated as ambiguous are terminal phosphate groups
(the third ionization) and imidazoles such as histidine sidechains.
Histidine protonation states can be
user-specified or guessed by the
method. Whether a terminal phosphate
is triply ionized is guessed using bond lengths.
Additional rules
are used to identify and handle chain termini.
The resulting protonation states of such groups and of those
with possibly perturbed pKa values (for example, in active sites or
coordinating metal ions) should be checked manually and corrected as
needed. Correction may consist of deleting unwanted
hydrogens (for example, with Atoms/Bonds... delete in the
Actions menu)
or adding hydrogens that were not added automatically (for example,
with Build Structure).
Charge assignment should be repeated after any manual correction
of protonation states.
- Add charges -
call Add Charge
to assign partial charges to atoms.
Partial charges are assigned as an atom
named charge and will be included in Mol2 output.
Charges for standard residues
(water, standard amino acids, standard nucleic acids, and a few common
variants and capping groups) are looked up using
assignment files
based on the
parameter files all*94.lib.
If any atoms in standard residues are not recognized, a warning will appear
and information on the atoms will be sent to the
Reply Log.
Cases of unrecognized atoms in standard residues and/or incorrect net charges
should be
examined and resolved.
Charges for nonstandard residues, if any,
are calculated using Amber's
Antechamber module (included with Chimera;
publications involving its use should cite the
It is necessary to specify the formal charge of each nonstandard residue
and which charge
calculation method should be used.
- Write Mol2 file - open a dialog for
saving Mol2 files;
options include saving coordinates relative to the untransformed
coordinates of a particular model, generating an @SET section containing the
selected atoms
(as used to specify the rigid portion of a ligand
in DOCK),
and saving multiple models in a single file or multiple files
OK performs the specified tasks and dismisses the Dock Prep
dialog, while Cancel simply dismisses the dialog.
Help opens this manual page in a browser window.
Tasks are performed in the order listed on the Dock Prep dialog.
If any individual step is canceled, subsequent steps will not be performed;
for example, if charge assignment is canceled, a Mol2 file will not be written.
To skip a particular step, uncheck its option before initiating the
Dock Prep calculation.
A related tool is
which facilitates interactive screening of
Does not build missing residues or truncated sidechains.
Structures may have missing residues or atoms where coordinates could
not be determined, often due to disorder or flexibility. Dock Prep
does not build in any missing residues or truncated sidechains.
C-terminal OXT atoms are the only heavy (nonhydrogen) atoms that will be
added when missing from a structure.
Residues with truncated sidechains can be
mutated to alanine or glycine
depending on whether CB atoms are present.
UCSF Computer Graphics Laboratory / July 2007