The 20 top tier colors are in the first rollover under Actions... Color. All 60 built-in colors are available in a further section marked all colors and can also be used with the commands color, ribcolor, and modelcolor.
Color names and 6-digit codes representing the red, green and blue (RGB) components of a color are listed below. Each component is expressed as a 2-digit hexadecimal number (allowable characters 0123456789abcdef) ranging from 00 (0 in the decimal system) to ff (255 in the decimal system). These 6-digit codes can be appended to "#" to generate a Tk color code.
The colors are a subset of X colors, except orange and medium blue are as defined in the HTML colors list.
Color | RGB Code | Sample |
red | ff0000 | |
orange red | ff4500 | |
orange | ff7f00 | |
yellow | ffff00 | |
green | 00ff00 | |
forest green | 228b22 | |
cyan | 00ffff | |
light sea green | 20b2aa | |
blue | 0000ff | |
cornflower blue | 6495ed | |
medium blue | 3232cd | |
purple | a020f0 | |
hot pink | ff69b4 | |
magenta | ff00ff | |
white | ffffff | |
light gray | d3d3d3 | |
gray | bebebe | |
dark gray | a9a9a9 | |
dim gray | 696969 | |
black | 000000 |
Color | RGB Code | Sample |
aquamarine | 7fffd4 | |
black | 000000 | |
blue | 0000ff | |
brown | a52a2a | |
chartreuse | 7fff00 | |
coral | ff7f50 | |
cornflower blue | 6495ed | |
cyan | 00ffff | |
dark cyan | 008b8b | |
dark gray | a9a9a9 | |
dark green | 006400 | |
dark khaki | bdb76b | |
dark magenta | 8b008b | |
dark olive green | 556b2f | |
dark red | 8b0000 | |
dark slate blue | 483d8b | |
dark slate gray | 2f4f4f | |
deep pink | ff1493 | |
deep sky blue | 00bfff | |
dim gray | 696969 | |
dodger blue | 1e90ff | |
firebrick | b22222 | |
forest green | 228b22 | |
gold | ffd700 | |
goldenrod | daa520 | |
gray | bebebe | |
green | 00ff00 | |
hot pink | ff69b4 | |
khaki | f0e68c | |
light blue | add8e6 | |
light gray | d3d3d3 | |
light green | 90ee90 | |
light sea green | 20b2aa | |
lime green | 32cd32 | |
magenta | ff00ff | |
medium blue | 3232cd | |
medium purple | 9370db | |
navy blue | 000080 | |
olive drab | 6b8e23 | |
orange red | ff4500 | |
orange | ff7f00 | |
orchid | da70d6 | |
pink | ffc0cb | |
plum | dda0dd | |
purple | a020f0 | |
red | ff0000 | |
rosy brown | bc8f8f | |
salmon | fa8072 | |
sandy brown | f4a460 | |
sea green | 2e8b57 | |
sienna | a0522d | |
sky blue | 87ceeb | |
slate gray | 708090 | |
spring green | 00ff7f | |
steel blue | 4682b4 | |
tan | d2b48c | |
turquoise | 40e0d0 | |
violet red | d02090 | |
white | ffffff | |
yellow | ffff00 |