The Clustal X coloring scheme in Multalign Viewer depends on both residue type and the pattern of conservation within a column.
The Clustal X scheme is described in the color parameter file colprot.par. This scheme is encoded in Chimera and cannot be changed by users. In brief, a Clustal X color parameter file has three sections:
GREEN 0.1 0.8 0.1The color names are relevant only to the rules within the file; for example, GREEN as defined in this file cannot be accessed by Chimera users and can differ from the color named green in Chimera.
+ = 60% k:rmeans that "+" symbolizes the case where lysine and arginine together comprise at least 60% of the column of aligned amino acids, and
n = 50% n N = 85% nmeans that "n" symbolizes the case where asparagine comprises at least 50% of the column and "N" symbolizes the case where asparagine comprises at least 85% of the column.
n = GREEN if n:N:Dmeans that an asparagine in the alignment (which could be shown with n or N) should be colored GREEN if any of the conditions n, N, or D apply to the column in which it resides. When none of the conditions apply, the residue is colored black.