Selected Presentations and Dissemination Activities
RBVI researchers, collaborators, and staff members regularly present their
work at workshops, conferences, and other scientific meetings
to share results and techniques, to get input on development directions
for existing and new tools, and to explore needs within the biomedical
research community. The following table lists selected presentations.
See also Engaging Youth in Science (below)
and RBVI Workshops and Training.
Event |
Date |
Topics |
Demos at UCSF for iPQB program candidate graduate students |
Jan 19,26 2018 |
Ribosome-binding antibiotics and light microscopy of neutrophils
in virtual reality
Byer's Award reception, Genentech Hall, UCSF |
Jan 17 2018 |
Virtual reality demo showing zebrafish brain activity with
3D light-sheet microscopy
Bay Area Science Festival and World Conference of
Science Journalists at UCSF |
Oct 29 2017 |
Virtual reality experience for adults and children,
interacting with small molecules in the Molecular Zoo
(“molecular playground”)
UCSF: The Campaign fundraiser |
Oct 28 2017 |
Demo on drug development for neurodegenerative disease:
P97 molecular machine involved in protein recycling shown with
stereo projector, virtual reality, and plastic models
UCSF 101 Day for federal and state legislative staff including those of
Pelosi, Feinstein, Kamala Harris, Sheehy, and Hill |
Jul 19 2017 |
Basic and clinical research at UCSF; molecular graphics and virtual reality
showing HIV reverse transcriptase with inhibitor, E. coli
ribosome antibiotic resistance, virtual reality “molecular playground”
Demos at UCSF for iPQB program candidate graduate students |
Feb 10,17 2017 |
Virtual reality demonstrations of antibiotic bound to E. coli ribosome,
crawling neutrophil in collagen filaments
Byer's Award reception, Genentech Hall, UCSF |
Jan 31 2017 |
Virtual reality demonstration of antibiotic bound to E. coli
ribosome and antibiotic resistance mutations
EMBO Conference:
Molecular Machines:
Integrative Structural and Molecular Biology, Heidelberg |
Nov 21 2016 |
Visualization and analysis challenges of large biomolecular complexes,
ChimeraX demo
Bay Area Science Festival
organized by the Science & Health Education
Partnership (SEP) at UCSF in partnership with local scientific,
cultural, and educational institutions |
Oct 30 2016 |
Virtual reality and white blood cells event
including crawling neutrophils shown with the Vive VR system and
nuclear pore shown with the Oculus VR headset
Virtual reality demo for officers of the University of California
Extramural Funding Group |
Oct 10 2016 |
Crawling neutrophils shown with the Vive virtual reality system |
Invited talk at University of Maryland, College Park, MD
Mar 25 2016 |
Superfamily analysis with protein similarity networks |
Demos at UCSF for iPQB program candidate graduate students |
Feb 12,19 2016 |
Differential gear nanomachine, HIV reverse transcriptase with
the drug tenovofir, light-sheet microscopy of crawling neutrophils,
stereo visualization and Oculus Rift virtual reality goggles
Sakanari group meeting, UCSF
Feb 3 2016 |
Superfamilies, the SFLD, and protein similarity networks |
InterPro Consortium meeting, EMBL-EBI, Hinxton, UK
Jan 2016 |
Data available from the SFLD including enzyme family annotations
and multiple sequence alignments |
The RBVI is involved in several educational activities targeting students
of high-school age and younger. The visual, interactive nature of molecular
graphics combined with increasing awareness and interest of the general
public in topics such as viruses and DNA make our lab well suited for
reaching out and engaging students of a wide range of ages and backgrounds.
Along these lines,
our software has been included with educational materials produced by
the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI). Our collaborator
Dr. Joseph DeRisi (Hughes Investigator, Biochemistry and Biophysics, UCSF)
was one of two scientists featured in the HHMI 2010 holiday lectures,
Viral Outbreak: The Science of Emerging Disease.
The lectures and associated materials are distributed
to high schools throughout the country, and can be
ordered online free of charge.
With the advocacy of Dr. DeRisi, we were invited by HHMI to include a
simple tool for viewing viruses in 3D with Chimera.
Selected presentations to student and educator groups:
Elementary/High School Group |
Date |
Topics |
STEM Career Day for San Francisco high school students |
Mar 7 2018 |
Two 1-hour demonstrations
showing neutrophils, E. coli antibiotic resistance,
and the Molecular Zoo app in virtual reality
California State Summer School for Mathematics and Science (COSMOS),
UC Davis Cluster 8:
The Chemistry of Life |
Aug 1 2017 |
Three 1-hour hands-on virtual reality demonstrations showing E. coli
ribosome antibiotic resistance, “molecular playground” software
Science & Health Education Partnership (SEP)
San Francisco Health Investigators
summer program for high-school students |
Jun 20-21 2017 |
Molecular graphics demonstrations showing macrolide antibiotic resistance by
phosphorylation and by ribosome methylation
UCSF STEM Career Day for San Francisco high school students |
Mar 7 2017 |
Presentations to two groups (90 and 75 minutes) including virtual reality
visualization of neutrophil crawling in collagen filaments, antibiotic bound
to E. coli ribosome
Science & Health Education Partnership (SEP)
San Francisco Health Investigators
summer program for high-school students |
Jun 14 2016 |
Two 45-minute presentations on Zika virus and related topics, including
3D printing, cryoEM and atomic models, protein structure,
crawling neutrophils, stereo visualization and Oculus Rift virtual reality
High-school student project to program kilobot swarm robots |
Jul 6-17 2015 |
Students developed and tested code over eight days to make kilobots
disperse from a cluster to find a target, establish a minimum path to that
target, and then move to reinforce that path; they also made movies and
gave presentations on their results
UCSF STEM Career Day for San Francisco high school students |
Mar 11 2015 |
3D visualization, kilobot swarm robots, discussion of careers in science
California State Summer School for Mathematics and Science (COSMOS)
students, UC Davis program |
Jul 24 2014 |
Chimera molecular graphics showing nanomachine, acetylcholine receptor,
hydrophobicity, dendritic cell motion; Space Navigator input device,
stereo glasses, Oculus Rift virtual reality goggles; 3D printed plastic models